Wednesday, May 29, 2019

Investigating the effect of Temperature on the reaction between Sodium Thiosuphate and hydrochloric acid :: GCSE Chemistry Coursework Investigation

Investigating the effect of Temperature on the reply between atomic number 11 Thiosuphate and hydrochloric acerbic PlanningI am study the different temperatures on the reaction betweenSodium Thiosuphate and Hydrochloric acid.The factors I could investigate would be temperature, concentrationand substances. I have chosen to investigate Temperature.I bespeak that the higher the temperature the more rapidly the crosswould obscure. This is because the higher the temperature the moreoften the particles collide and react, when the particles collide moreoften they would collide harder because they have more energy, makingthe collisions bigger and faster, the collision success rate ishigher.I will make my investigation a fair analyze by keeping the quantities ofthe Hydrochloric acid at room temperature and Sodium Thiosuphate warmthed as accurate as possible. Also make sure the stop clock isstarted at the same point separately time a measurement is compactn.I will carry out the invest igation by1. Set up the Diagram2. Put the test thermionic valves of Sodium Thiosuphate into the beaker above the Bunsen burner3. Put a thermometer into it4. Remove the test tube once its reached the desired temperature and pour contence into the empty beaker5. As you begin to pour the test tube of Hydrochloric Acid contence into the beaker start the stop clock6. When the cross on the paper becomes obscured stop the clock and record the result7. Rinse out the beaker where the reaction took place8. Repeat with five different temperatures, using ice to cool down the Sodium Thiosuphate, and repeat it all twice.The equipment I will use is Hydrochloric acid Sodium Thiosuphate 2 x Measuring cylinders 2 x Test tubes stop clock 2 glass beakers 2 thermometers Bunsen burner water tripod heat mat gauge paper with pencil crossI will make sure my results are accurate by referring to graphs, e.g.if one point is greatly out of alignment, it should be repeated.Also I will make sure that t he meniscus of the hydrochloric acid andThiosuphate is flat and not to one side of the test tube or measuringcylinder.I will take five measurements with a 10 gap interval and I will repeatthis twice and take an average to make my results more accurate.Back ground Research - Trial ExperimentI conducted a trial experiment to find out the rig quantities ofsodium thiosulphate and hydrochloric acid for the main experiment. Wewere aiming for the cross to disappear in around one minute.We found the more hydrochloric acid the slower the X disappeared.

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